Turn to Trusted Truck Accident Lawyers in the USA

When a careless truck driver injures you or a loved one, the Truck Accident Attorney at Trusted Truck Accident Lawyers will fight for you. We take on big trucking companies and insurance providers to get the justice and compensation you deserve. Call our truck accident attorneys 24/7 at (800) 501-3011 to start a free, confidential evaluation of your commercial vehicle accident case.

When to Call a Truck Accident Law Firm

Commercial vehicle accidents cause injuries with high medical expenses, lost wages, and often a tough road ahead. Now is the time to get legal representation before the deadline to file a lawsuit expires. Call the seasoned truck accident injury lawyers at Trusted Truck Accident Lawyers.

Never talk to the insurance adjuster from the trucking company — they are not your friend. When they find out you won’t sign their first lowball offer, threats, bullying, and strong-arm tactics may follow. Sometimes you’ll hear them claim, “You’ll receive nothing unless you sign.”

These are common tactics, and if you sign their offer, you may forfeit your right to sue for the total damages you deserve. You are always entitled to direct them to speak with your truck accident lawyer at Trusted Truck Accident Lawyers. The right attorney can cut through the bullying and buck-passing. We’ll remind everyone that you are the truck accident victim, and we’ll help to get you the justice and compensation you deserve.

Our truck accident injury attorneys navigate complex California and Nevada trucking laws.  We are committed to helping you receive full compensation for your losses. The attorneys at Trusted Truck Accident Lawyers will work tirelessly to ensure justice is served on behalf of each victim and their family members. We’re here to protect your rights.

Highlight Point of Truck Accident Lawyer

Truck Accident AttorneyTrusted Truck Accident Lawyers offers experienced attorneys who specialize in handling truck accident cases.
Importance of Legal RepresentationSeeking legal representation promptly is crucial to ensure that victims receive the justice and compensation they deserve and avoid common insurance company tactics.
Types of CompensationVictims of truck accidents may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, future income loss, pain and suffering, and punitive damages.
Statute of LimitationsThere’s a two-year deadline to file a truck accident injury claim in California, with certain exceptions for minors.
Contingency Feesoperates on a contingency fee basis, meaning clients only pay if they win their case.
Common Truck Accident InjuriesTruck accidents can result in severe injuries such as head trauma, spinal injuries, broken bones, internal bleeding, and whiplash.
Causes of Truck AccidentsVarious factors contribute to truck accidents, including bad road conditions, driver fatigue, speeding, and distracted driving.
Complexity of Truck Accident CasesTruck accident cases can be complex due to multiple parties being potentially liable, including drivers, employers, manufacturers, and maintenance crews.
Holding Trucking Companies AccountableCurrent laws hold trucking companies responsible for accidents involving their trucks, despite attempts to shift liability.
Building a Strong Legal CaseA strong legal case is essential for pursuing compensation, especially for the diverse injuries resulting from truck accidents.

Collecting Compensation in a Truck Accident Lawsuit

If you are the victim of a truck accident, you must understand your rights and how to pursue compensation. Trucking companies often hold a responsibility to pay for your injuries and any damages resulting from the crash. Multiple parties may be liable for paying out compensation in a truck accident lawsuit. Parties could include the driver, their employer, or even an equipment manufacturer if faulty parts were involved.

Truck accident injuries can take months, even years, to fully heal, while other expenses can begin to pile up. When a trucking collision has caused your injuries, you may be entitled to the following compensation:

  • Medical expenses, including hospital visits, surgeries, physical therapy, and ongoing treatments
  • Lost wages for work missed due to your injures
  • Lost future income when you’re injuries are so severe that you must shift to a new job
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Punitive damages intended to punish liable parties

Don’t Miss the Deadline to File a Truck Accident Claim

The deadline – known as the statute of limitations – for filing a truck accident injury claim in California is two years from the date of the injury or the date the plaintiff discovers their injury. It is important to note that the clock starts ticking on these two years when either of these events occurs, not when the plaintiff files a lawsuit.

Additionally, minors have until the age of 26 to bring a claim related to an injury sustained in a truck accident.

If the statute of limitations is not adhered to, in many cases, the plaintiff cannot bring a claim forward and will no longer have any legal recourse. Therefore, it is so vital for anyone involved in a truck accident to consult with an experienced big rig crash lawyer as soon as possible to ensure their rights are protected.

Call our truck accident lawyers 24/7. Our team will act within the required time limits, thus increasing your chances of obtaining the compensation you deserve. We’ll also provide legal advice to help maximize your recovery and protect your rights throughout the claims process.

Contingency Fees and Your Truck Accident Lawsuit

When you become a client with our Truck Accident Law Firm, we’ve designed our fees to help make the most substantial investment possible in your case. Trusted Truck Accident Lawyers operates on a contingency fee basis, which means you pay no fees unless you win. 

Start Your Case: Free Review with a Truck Accident Lawyer

Trusted Truck Accident Lawyers offers a free and confidential case evaluation of your truck accident injury claim. The case review process allows potential clients to get to know our experienced truck accident attorneys, ask questions about injury claims, and find the best road forward. Accepting this offer to meet with our professional legal team puts you under no obligation to retain our services. You’ll have a chance to fully consider the lawsuit process and how our team works before you commit to anything. 

Common Types of Truck Accidents Involving Injuries

Semi-trucks are involved in various accidents, ranging from minor fender benders to catastrophic collisions. Semi-truck drivers must navigate the roads with extreme caution and precision due to their large size and weight. The most common types of semi-truck accidents typically include the following:

  • Carriage Underride Accidents
  • Head-On Accidents
  • Truck Jackknife Accidents
  • Truck Rear-End Accidents
  • Truck Rollover Accidents
  • T-Bone Accidents With Trucks
  • Sideswipe Accidents With a Truck
  • Wide Turn Accidents Involving a Truck

Common Causes of Semi-Truck Accidents

Many of our clients in truck accidents were carrying on everyday activities when disaster struck. Some were riding their bicycles while others were driving as they usually do. Because of truck driver negligence, many clients’ lives have been permanently affected. We can help you through this experience.

The most common causes of commercial vehicle accidents include:

  • Bad Road Conditions
  • Oversized Loads
  • Ignoring Traffic Signals 
  • Speeding
  • Driver Fatigue 
  • Blind Spot Collisions
  • Maintenance Issues 
  • Improper Backing Up
  • Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
  • Distracted driving
  • Unsecured Loads
  • Tailgating
  • Improper Passing

Complications With Truck Accident Cases

When a big rig injures you, and it’s not your fault, you may be eligible to receive compensation. These cases can get very complicated because there is often more than one party at fault, and all those who share the blame will do whatever they can to avoid paying out.

For example, the truck driver nearly always shares some of the burden. But if they perform duties within the scope of employment with a trucking company, the company may also bear some responsibility. State and federal laws set criteria to determine whether the driver is an employee, including:

  • The degree of control the trucking company had over the trucker’s performance of their duties
  • The intent, place, and nature of the conduct that led to the accident
  • Whether they were doing the work the company hired them to do
  • Whether the employer could reasonably expect the driver to be engaging in the activities in which they were engaging
  • Whether they were engaging in “off-the-clock” personal activities, the nature of these activities and how long they had been engaging in them

If faulty parts on the truck were the cause of the accident, on the other hand, the manufacturer of those parts could be liable, as could the maintenance crew tasked with making sure the truck was in good working order. Shippers or cargo loaders could be responsible if the cargo needed to be better balanced or properly secured. The list goes on and on.

Count on our experienced truck accident law firm to navigate thesecomplex commercial vehicle cases on your behalf.  

Trucking Companies Must Be Held Accountable for Your Injuries

Trucking companies have a long history of passing the buck for trucking accidents. They will try to demonstrate that the trucker was an independent contractor to avoid liability. Fortunately, current laws regulating the trucking industry make this very difficult. Current federal law holds any company that owns a truck responsible for accidents involving that truck if the vehicle displays the company’s name or placard.

The truck accident attorneys that join your cause are ready to hear your important story. They will provide a free review of your case, walking through each essential element so that all injured parties (or family members representing them) can feel secure before we make any important decisions.

Build a Strong Case for Your Truck Accident Injuries

Truck crashes can cause life-threatening and catastrophic injuries. In 2020, California had the second-highest number of deaths from large truck crashes.[2] You’re not alone if you’ve experienced severe injuries after a truck accident.

Common semi-truck accident injuries include:

  • Head and brain injuries that affect your cognitive function
  • Neck or spinal injuries that affect your mobility
  • Concussions or other contusions
  • Broken bones or amputations
  • Internal bleeding 
  • Punctured lungs
  • Whiplash
  • Road rash or airbag rash
  • Chemical burns involving hazardous materials.”

Navigating through the aftermath of a truck accident and dealing with the associated injuries can be overwhelming. However, with the assistance of experienced truck accident attorneys, you can build a strong case to pursue the compensation you deserve for your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

At Wilshire Law Firm, our dedicated team of truck accident lawyers is committed to advocating for your rights and ensuring that you receive the full and fair compensation you are entitled to. Contact us today for a free consultation and let us help you navigate the legal process and fight for justice on your behalf.

Truck Accident Lawyers

Frequently Asked Questions About Truck Accidents

1.Do I Have To Go To Court For a Truck Accident Case?

Most accident cases don’t end up in court because it rarely benefits anyone to take it to that extreme. Going to court means negotiations have failed, and it’s all or nothing. More often than not, your case will begin with your attorney issuing a valuation of your case in a demand letter to the defendants. The defendants will then respond with a lowball counteroffer.

2. How Much Is a Truck Accident Lawsuit Worth?

The value of each case is unique and individual. Never trust an attorney who promises you a set amount right out of the gate. The value of your case, called damages, may include some of the following:

Medical bills past and future, including trips to the doctor, medications, physical therapy, and procedures
Lost wages and compensation
Lost potential future earnings
Property damage
Pain and suffering
Emotional trauma
Loss of consortium, comfort, and relationships
Damage to your quality of life
Punitive damages (if any)

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